Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 6

I lamed out of biking to work today, hopefully I will workup to always biking.  However I had an amazing run in the foothills at lunch.  If I hadn't had to get back, I felt like I could have run for an hour! It is crazy how our body can adapt so quickly or how it can vary day to day on it's abilities.  I enjoyed the wildflowers & city view on my midday run.  A storm is brewing so the cool breeze was welcomed.  I look forward to many more of these this summer.

Day 5

Another day of biking to work, getting a little easier, but never seems to get easy, or at least not on the way there.  The fast downhill home is always a breeze.  It puts me in such good spirits to fly down the road through the gorgeous Federal Heights neighborhood & the Avenues this time of year.  Gorgeous yards in front of unique, historic homes.  After work I met up with my Matty at the climbing gym for a quick session followed by lifting weights & ab workout.  I was able to increase a little on a couple of the uppers so feeling better already!

Day 4

Made the struggle on my bike up to work today AND went for a run at lunch.  Both were painful & I struggled, but am so proud of being back on the wagon!  The run in the foothills was rough today & had to walk a bit on one of the uphills, but I am trying to be patient with myself & just be happy with my effort.  This can be hard to do when you have grown up in competitive sports, but it is also so freeing!

Day 3

Finally a day off! I met a lovely lady, Miss Jessica, for a coffee date, then off to volunteer before grocery shopping & then, yes, a great workout!  I climbed at the gym for an hour, then lifted uppers & abs.  In my quest to make some gains in climbing while not adding strain to my already overtaped, over strained fingers, I am dedicating the first part of my "100 days" to hypertrophy.  I am barely able to move my arms this evening, so I must be on the right track :)

Day 2

I got called in to work today, which is good for the budget, but messed with my workout plan.  In the end our need for extra funds won.  I worked a nice long day, but this morning decided to challenge myself to 100 days of fitness.  Meaning 100 days of deliberate activity in a quest to return to a younger, fitter me.  Today with lack of time & attempting to ease back into running without making my knees hate me, I opted for a yoga class.  It was torturous at times, but I hung in as best I could.  By the end I felt as euphoric as always.

Day 1

I didn't even know the quest had begun, I just knew the sun was out and I was ready to get back in shape!  I got off work early & it was unseasonable warm.  I changed into my favorite running shorts & new sports bra, charged my ipod & was ready to hit the road!  I made it on a nice sweaty run up to the capital and around capital hill neighborhoods.  Not much satisfies as much as a hard workout.